Ukrainian Talent Market 2022-2023: Short Summary

Ukrainian Talent Market 2022-2023: Short Summary

What changes did we observe in hiring last year, and what is happening now? We asked our team and community to describe in a few words the Ukrainian Talent Market 2022-2023.

Find out below a summary based on the experience of:

Viktoria Nalyvaiko, Co-Founder&CEO at, Founder of reteam, Lector at Projector and Choice31, HR&IT Ambassador at WTECH

Maryna Kutko, acting CEO at A-Players

Zoriana Kachmar, Account Executive at A-Players

Viktoriia Nalyvaiko: I see that the layoffs affected more non-technical specialists. But in some companies, entire teams were laid off because projects were closed entirely.

In 2022, many people were afraid to change their jobs because they held on to "stability". Currently, I don't see many candidates who are purposefully looking for something new. But the hype about specialization in IT among switchers still holds. New Edtech products appear every month.

Maryna Kutko: In Q2 2022, we faced mass layoffs in tech companies. Though when we started at the beginning of September, we saw a lot of activity from candidates. There was an interest to find a new job even from those who were not in the active search. Even more, candidates were in demand and got several offers from different companies.

But closer to December, the situation changed. Most of the candidates (Senior level) were not certain about the future and didn't want to risk switching to a new job.

They preferred to stay in their current company. It was connected greatly to the escalation of war activity at that period and the following blackout situation.

Viktoriia Nalyvaiko: Regarding compensation expectations, the salary has not changed. However, when candidates are changing jobs, they want a raise (as it has always been).

Zoriana Kachmar: Ukrainian candidates are more interested in a stable monthly salary compared to overseas candidates that are interested in stock options.

Viktoriia Nalyvaiko: I am now observing a trend to resume the recruitment strategy that was suspended in 2022.

Zoriana Kachmar: In Q4 2022-Q1 2023, layoffs continue to happen, but tech hiring remains relatively steady.

In 2021, it was a candidate market. In 2023, we are slightly returning to an employer market. However, tech talent is picky even during the Great Resignation. So it's essential to work on an employer brand strategy to stand out.

Viktoriia Nalyvaiko: I would also highlight three points regarding recruiting in 2023.

1. Resumption of companies' activities.

2. Increasing in the number of vacancies.

3. Development of loyalty programs and increasing companies' social display: hiring people with disabilities and veterans; changing the onboarding processes for these employees.

The Ukrainian Talent Market has its ups and downs. But we still have to push economic development to help Ukrainians and our county go through these times. As for the beginning of 2023, it seems that we have adjusted to a new reality. And the imminent resumption of hiring activity is the confirmation of it.